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Zap Retirement: Community Resource Migration

As we make plans to retire Zap at the end of the year, the Zap Community site will close on March 29, 2022. Resources from this area will migrate to a new website and the current site ( will be redirected to the new site, which will be accessible without needing a separate log in. 

IMPORTANT: The experience on the new landing page will not be as robust as that of the Community. The blog feature will no longer be available and only the top 25 articles will be transferred. 

Where To Find Resources 

Knowledge Base articles from the Get Help and Learn sections will be moved to the new website. We are also looking to move any article visited in the last six months to ensure users continue to have access to necessary resources while still using Zap. You will no longer see the Community page as pictured below, and no option will be given to access the Community via the old Zap version. Links will be redirected to the new landing page and a screenshot is below for reference. 

Current view of the Zap Community

                                                                                              Get Help Section                                                  Learn Section


New landing page for Zap resources


Additional Support Needs

For support needs not addressed on the new site, please reach out to the HelpDesk