Recommend a search
1. Click on your contact’s name to access their Contact Profile.
2. Click More and select Sign in as Contact.
3. You’ll be taken to your customer’s account. Use the search bar to search for a property.
4. Click Recommend Search. Next time your contact logs in, they will see a banner notifying them that you’ve recommended a search.
5. Make note of the checkbox. Selecting the checkbox will send your contact an email and opt them in for New Listing Alerts.
6. Click Email this Recommendation.
Recommend a home
1. Click on your contact’s name to access their Contact Profile.
2. Click More and select Sign in as Contact.
3. You’ll be taken to your customer’s account. Use the search bar to search for a property.
4. Scroll through the search results until you find a home you’d like to recommend.
5. Click Recommend. Next time your contact logs in, they will see a banner notifying them that you’ve recommended a home.
6. Make note of the checkbox. Selecting the checkbox will send your contact an email.
7. Click Email this Recommendation.