The Personnel Profile allows you to view information for the agents in your company, assign roles, and adjust their website’s coverage area.
Basic Info
You can view an agent’s company information, status, and contact info in this section. The information provided here is pulled from dash, or is generated by Zap. You can click on the toggle to choose whether or not this agent’s website homepage will be visible to consumers. If that toggle is on (green), you can click View On Website to see their website as a consumer would. You can also enter notes in the field provided. These can be edited at any time.
If the information provided is incorrect or outdated, click Refresh Personnel Data. This will update your profile with the most current company and contact information from dash.
License information that is stored in dash will be displayed here.
Add additional roles to the personnel on your team here. Click Assign Role to select a role, and then choose whether you want the personnel to have that role at the branch, company, or brand level (if applicable). The roles are described below:
Business Manager: The Business Manager role allows users to search for personnel and view reports.
Agent: The Agent role allows users to enter contacts, scripts, and carry-out all other sales-associated activities.
Change User: The Change User role allows users to view Zap as another user.
Admin: The Admin role allows users to update personnel info and configurations.
Content Manager: The Content Manager role allows users to update content that’s accessible to others within your company, such as the Email and Call Script Libraries and Follow-up Plans.
Lead ZIP Codes
View markets where your agent can receive new leads that come in through your company website under “Lead ZIP Codes”. You can expand each market in the table to see every assigned and unassigned ZIP code within that market. You can also check out “ZIP codes assigned for this agent” and “Unassigned ZIP codes for this agent” to get an at-a-glance sense of how many ZIP codes the agent will receive leads in. If you’d like to assign or remove ZIP codes, you can do so in LeadRouter.
The Status tag will let you know whether the agent is receiving new leads from any of the ZIP codes within the market. If the Status is “on,” the agent has at least one assigned ZIP code within the area.
Service Markets
Under “Service Markets,” you can view the markets on your agent’s website where your agent can receive requests and track the activity of existing customers. You can either allow your agent to service all of your company’s service markets, or you can choose individual markets within your company’s coverage area for this particular agent. Right above the list, you should see two options – select “Configure your agent’s service markets” to toggle the markets on and off. If a market is turned off for your agent, customers searching in that market may see other agents once they begin searching in that area.
If you encounter a status tag that reads “Company Off,” or a toggle with a lock on it, this means that this market is turned off for your company, and neither your agents nor your company will be marketed in this area.