Each of your Contacts is assigned a Status based on where they are in their buying and selling process. This allows you to easily group your Contacts, assign them to Follow-up Plans, and tailor your communication. Zap automatically assigns each of your Contacts a Status based on what Zap knows about them, so you don’t have to manually do it yourself.
New Contacts are new to your platform. Once you contact them, the “new” icon will fall away, but they will remain in this Status for the first 30 days on your platform.
Hot Contacts are in constant communication with you and have met one of the following criteria within the past 60 days:
- Requested or completed a showing with you.
- Written an offer with you.
- Are in escrow.
- Requested or completed a listing appointment with you.
- Listed their property with you.
Incubating Contacts are on their way to being Hot Contacts, but aren’t quite there yet. These Contacts have signed into your website or mobile apps, or have responded to communication. They have a nonzero ZapScore, but haven’t met the criteria listed under the Hot Status (yet!).
Cold Contacts are any Contacts who haven’t logged into the website or mobile apps in over 60 days, and are not Closed Contacts.
Closed Contacts have closed a transaction with you.
When will my Contacts automatically change Statuses?
Contacts will move from “New” to “Hot” as soon as they request a showing or listing appointment, request information, or are linked with an active or pending transaction or listing. After 30 days on your platform, they’ll move from “New” to “Incubating” if they’re responding to you and/or signing in, but not requesting service.
Contacts will move to “Closed” as soon as there’s a closed transaction linked to their account in Zap, whether they were New, Hot, Cold, or Incubating before.
A Hot Contact who goes 60 days without requesting service (but is still browsing your website and app or responding to communication) will move to “Incubating” – and if they drop off communication and activity for 60 days, they’ll become Cold.
On the other hand, if your Cold Contact starts responding and signing in, their status will change to “Incubating” – and once they request service or have a listing or transaction in Zap, they’ll become “Hot”.
Note: if you’ve manually changed the Status for a Contact, Zap won’t override your change, so that Contact will no longer automatically move between Statuses.
How do I update a Contact’s Status?
Zap will automatically update your Contact’s Status for you. However, you can also manually adjust a customer’s Status.
To update or change a Contact’s Status in Zap, follow these steps:
- Find the Contact using Search.
- Click on their name to go to the Contact Profile.
- Click on the pencil icon under Account Info.
- Change the Status from the drop-down menu, then click Save. You’re done!
How do Zap’s Statuses map to LeadRouter’s?
If you’re curious how these new statuses map to LeadRouter’s statuses, to better understand updating requirements, they will use the following mapping:
Zap Status of New maps to LR status of Hot Prospect
Zap Status of Hot maps to LR status of Hot Prospect
Zap Status of Incubating maps to LR status of Drip
Zap Status of Cold maps to LR status of Drip
Zap Status of Closed maps to LR status of Closed